Signed in as:
Signed in as:
This level is intended for recreational or beginner level dancers.
Recommended age 9 and younger.
This level is intended for intermediate level dancers who have grasped fundamental technique. Dancer is enrolled in a consistent dance training program.
Recommended age 13 and younger.
This level is intended for advanced level dancers who are currently enrolled in a serious dance training program or have professional level performance experience.
Condensed schedule for dancers age 4-6 only. May not be available in each tour city.
Early registration $200
Early Registration $215
Early registration $240
Attend either Saturday OR Sunday classes at any ACTIVATE YOUR ARTISTRY convention.
Entry into the Concert Gala included.
College dancer discount with valid student ID.
Observer wristband allows bearer to observe any class at an ACTIVATE YOUR ARTISTRY Dance Convention. Observer wristbands also allow the attendee to film convention classes from their reserved seat.
Entry into the Concert Gala included.
Each registered studio group is permitted to bring up to three studio directors or teachers complimentary.
Director wristbands entitle the bearer to observe all level classes, participate in Professional level dance classes and attend the Concert Gala.
Company and Group registrations are eligible for Group Discounts. When calculating free entries, do not include scholarship dancers to final count.
if registering more than 50 dancers, please email us for special rate
Any questions pertaining to registration sent via email will be answered with 24 hours. Additionally registration questions can be answered between 9 am and 2 pm CST by texting the company service helpline at 312-809-6333.
Registration for Activate Your Artistry can be done via our online registration form or Dance Comp Genie.
We strongly suggest pre-registering due to limited space. Once capacity is reached, registrations will no longer be accepted. If you plan to register the day of an event, please call a week prior to check availability.
Ages listed by convention levels are guides only. Please register dancers for the level most appropriate to their technical ability.
Registration fees can be paid via the following methods: Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, check or ACH transfer via invoice. Registration deposits must be paid via credit card or ACH only. Final balances may be paid via check no later than 30 days before the event. Checks must be postmarked before the Early Bird Discount Deadline in order to secure the Early Bird rate. If a check is returned, you will be subject to a $30.00 fee. Only cash and credit cards are accepted when registering at the door.
Studios are allowed to submit a registration form and a $250 studio deposit to reserve a spot at a preferred regional. Attending dancer rosters can be emailed at a later date contingent upon receiving a studio registration form with Directors information and the required deposit.
*All funds must be paid in U.S. currency only. No International, Canadian or Foreign checks will be accepted. Studio and Company directors may register and request an invoice be sent with a due date prior to the first day of the registered event if not paying in full at the time of registration.
When registering online with check, simply select check as your payment option and have payment postmarked by the deadline date. Activate Your Artistry will automatically send a courtesy reminder invoice with the payment deadline date.
After the registration form is submitted you will receive a confirmation email within 24-48 hours stating that the registration has been received and processed.
When submitting a registration form, a representative of the company, studio or dancer must electronically sign the registration form stating that during the event, ACTIVATE YOUR ARTISTRY will not be held responsible for any loss of property and/or injury.
Scholarship recipients must use the online registration form only to register for an Activate Your Artistry event. Scholarships are for convention tuition only and do not cover hotel accommodations or travel expenses. Any Concert Gala entry fees will be an additional fee. One scholarship is permitted to be redeemed per dancer per event. Combining scholarships to increase individual dancer discounts is prohibited without written confirmation from Activate Your Artistry admin offices.
It is strongly encouraged that you make your hotel reservations well in advance to avoid a sell-out. Please be sure to mention ACTIVATE YOUR ARTISTRY or the appropriate Group Code when making your reservation to receive the discounted room rate. In the event of a hotel block sell out, AYA may not be able to extend or add to the room block.
Dancers are welcome to register for our convention classes at the event if space permits. We do not accept Concert Gala entries at the event.
A final schedule of convention classes will be posted online for each event no later than 7 days before each event. Schedules are subject to change at the discretion of Activate Your Artistry management. Faculty and classes may vary by event.
In the event last minute updates or changes to a registration are needed, please email requested changes to activateyourartistry@gmail.com . Emails from registered parties will be answered within 24 hours.
All registration balances must be paid prior to check in on the first day of the convention. Dancers will not be permitted to participate in convention classes if a balance is due for their registration.
Studio Owners, Company Directors, Scholarship Winners & Independent registrants will need to visit the registration area to pick up their registration packet on the first morning of the event.
Dancers attending for a single day will need to visit the registration area to pick up their single-day convention pass.
All group registrations must be accompanied by a registered Director or a designated representative.
Wristbands must be worn at all times while taking convention classes.
Wearing wristbands while performing in the Concert Gala is optional. ACTIVATE YOUR ARTISTRY is not responsible for lost wristbands. Replacement wristbands can be purchased at the registration area for $5.00.
Activate Your Artistry requests a certain level of respect and conduct to be followed at all events. We reserve the right to refuse admittance or to ask anyone with unacceptable behavior to leave.
All attendees must sign a liability waiver to be allowed entry into any ACTIVATE YOUR ARTISTRY event. Waivers may be sent via the online liability waiver form or submitted via a paper copy on the day of the convention at the time of registration check in.
During the convention, there are no oversized dance bags or luggage allowed in the ballroom area. Keep all belongings as far back against the walls as possible or underneath an observer chair. This is to ensure dancers, staff, and crew have plenty of space to move about safely.
The host hotel, facilities and Activate Your Artistry Dance Convention are not responsible for any lost personal items or injuries.
If a dancer is in need of first aid, please see a staff member at the registration area.
All dancers registered for the convention must complete a liability waiver independently or via their studio director before being permitted to participate in convention classes.
All dancers must wear proper attire and shoes when outside the ballroom area. No tap shoes or bare feet allowed outside the ballrooms.
Please be respectful of other guests in the host hotel and surrounding public spaces.
Photo and Video is permitted during the convention with an Observer or Director wristband. All attendees grant permission to ACTIVATE YOUR ARTISTRY to film, photograph and use any recordings for use on ACTIVATE YOUR ARTISTRY'S website, social media, and marketing materials.
Please be respectful to dancers when filming or taking photos. Please take all discussions and phone calls outside of the ballroom as a courtesy to our attendees.
Be advised that convention levels may be combined on occasion and will be noted on the final convention schedule.
Please visit the Concert Gala page under ABOUT AYA for detailed information including divisions, entry limits and scoring.
The Concert Gala is an opportunity for dancers to compete for additional scholarships and awards not offered during convention classes. Dancers who elect to participate in the Gala will perform routines in a supportive and inclusive environment in front of our industry faculty for feedback and superlative awards.
The Concert Gala may include performances from professional companies and guest artists. Attending guest performers may vary by event.
Suggested attire for the Gala is dress casual. No dance attire is allowed while at the Gala reception. Costumes and/or dance attire are permitted for any dancers competing in the Gala.
If applicable, Gala score sheets will be emailed to a designated studio representative following the event. The Gala does not include recorded critiques but any feedback or scores will be sent via emailed pdf.
The Concert Gala is held on Saturday evening, and attendance is free of charge. QR codes may be required for safety purposes to enter the Gala.
We suggest arriving early as seating is limited. The first two rows of seats are reserved for Company and Studio Directors only.
Dancers are welcome to sit on the floor in front of the mainstage or dance floor to watch the Gala.
All registrations are non-refundable, NO EXCEPTIONS.
In the event of illness or injury, a credit for future ACTIVATE YOUR ARTISTRY Dance Events will be decided on a case by case basis. Please email our office to discuss any credits.
In the event of severe weather conditions, no refunds or credits will be given for registration fees or Concert Gala fees if the event is held.
ACTIVATE YOUR ARTISTRY reserves the right to amend these guidelines at any time and for any reason.
ACTIVATE YOUR ARTISTRY reserves the right to postpone or cancel any event for any reason.
Please note that all Activate Your Artistry staff has completed safety coursework in an effort to provide a safe and inclusive environment at each event. Activate Your Artistry is dedicated to ensuring each dancer is welcomed, validated and safe.
Each event may feature security measures such as observer bands, entrance passes, emergency protocol plans communicated via AYA staff and on site private security. AYA has also prepared emergency procedures in the event of any spreading viruses or similar health outbreaks. To receive a copy of our covid and illness spread procedures, please email our offices.
If a dancer or attendee needs to report any suspicious or unsafe behavior on site, please stop by registration and request to speak with event management.
Copyright © 2018 Activate Your Artistry - All Rights Reserved.